The word Macrobiotics derives from the Greek “macro” (long) and “bios” (life). In a literal sense it means the art of prolonging life. In a broader sense, it means how to have a great life, as in how we can develop and express all our potential as individuals and society. It is based on the far-east thinking, and its yin and yang unifier principle, and it also embraces the western culture. It allows to reach, not only an effective solution for health problems, but it also provides a guide for the emotional and spiritual well-being of each of us. Food/healthy eating it’s the foundation of the macrobiotic practice, however we can, and should include different exercises, such as: Yoga, Qi Gong and Dance, as well as other practices. A balanced lifestyle is also detrimental for the well-being of the planet and its ecosystems, along with a fairer and peaceful world.