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Cornish Pasty

Ingredients (5 Pasties):

180gr flower
70gr whole wheat flour
1 ½ tsp salt
2 ½ tsp oil
120gr onion (diced)
80gr sweet potato (diced)
80gr turnip (diced)
30gr carrot (diced)
40gr mushrooms (diced)
1tsp kuzu (or arrowroot)
1tsp mix herb flake


1. Mix well the flour, salt and oil with your hands, adding water until you have a soft dough
2. For the filling, chop the vegetables into small cubes
3. Heat a drizzle of oil and sautee the onion until tender
4. Add the mushrooms and the vegetable and sautee until soft
5. Add the kuzu, 1 tablespoon and the herbs, and let it boil for a few minutes
6. Roll the dough to a round shape with 4-5mm thickness and a 10-11mm diameter
7. Place the filling in the centre, wet the extremities with water, and fold the dough and press with 8 folds
9. Bake in the oven at 200ºC for about 20min.
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CICAP – Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225, Porto
+351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91

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