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Creamy Chickpea Soup

1 onion
1 cup cubed pumpkin/squash
1 cup cooked chickpeas
1/2-1 teaspoon salt
Fresh herbs to garnish - basil, coriander, oregano, etc

1. Dice onion and place in pot with 1 cup of water. Cook for 5 minutes.
2. Add pumpkin/squash and chickpea with water to cover. Add salt.
3. Bring to a boil and reuce to simmer for 20 mins, or until vegetables are soft.
4. Blend to make a creamy, sweet soup.
5. Garnish with fresh herbs of your choice.
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CICAP – Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225, Porto
+351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91

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