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Whole grain bread with smoked tofu, shitake and aramé pate


250gr. smoked tofu
6 shitake mushrooms
2 tbsp aramé seaweed
1 onion
1 tbsp shoyu
Olive oil
Whole grain bread (sliced)


1. Soak the seaweed in cold water for about 10 minutes until it hydrates and its soft.
2. Finely chop the onion, the soaked aramé and the mushroom, and crumble the tofu.
3. Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a wok and sautee the onion.
4. Add the mushrooms and the aramé.
5. Add a splash of the soaking water and let it cook on high heat for about 10minutes.
6. Add the smoked tofu, mix well and season with shoyu.
7. Keep the heat on for a few more minutes to refine the flavour and evaporate the excess water.
8. Place in a serving bowl and press down.
9. Serve with slices of whole grain bread.


The type of bread may vary according to taste, but you should use preferably a dense and moist bread. This pate can used as filling for patties or pies. You can use the aramé soaking water to cook this recipe and any other that requires water.
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