Bazi is the most popular form of Chinese astrology, whose origin dates back more than a thousand years ago. It literally means “eight characters” and is often translated as “Four Pillars of Destiny” or simply “Chinese Horoscopes”. The basis of this astrology are the 10 celestial trunks, the twelve branches or animals of the Chinese zodiac and their characteristics in terms of yin-yang and five elements.
Bazi is based on the concept that our celestial contract and our energetic matrix takes shape at birth the moment we breath for the first time. This matrix accompanies us for the rest of our lives and is responsible for periods of destiny, typically five years each more or less favorable, as well as better and worse years. Therefore, making a consultation with Bazi is a lifetime investment. It gives us the possibility to understand our strengths and weaknesses, understand the past and plan for the future. It is also a way of understanding relationships and a guide for decisions that are not only amorous but also professional or in any other area.
By making an appointment with Bazi you will be asked for information about your best and worst years in the past. Our letters are made by hand and the process begins by checking which is your true chart according to the solar or lunar calendar. Our consultants have years of study in the field and we are advised by the world leader in this area if necessary.
Cost € 100
Bazi is based on the concept that our celestial contract and our energetic matrix takes shape at birth the moment we breath for the first time. This matrix accompanies us for the rest of our lives and is responsible for periods of destiny, typically five years each more or less favorable, as well as better and worse years. Therefore, making a consultation with Bazi is a lifetime investment. It gives us the possibility to understand our strengths and weaknesses, understand the past and plan for the future. It is also a way of understanding relationships and a guide for decisions that are not only amorous but also professional or in any other area.
By making an appointment with Bazi you will be asked for information about your best and worst years in the past. Our letters are made by hand and the process begins by checking which is your true chart according to the solar or lunar calendar. Our consultants have years of study in the field and we are advised by the world leader in this area if necessary.
Cost € 100