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Macrobiotics main goal is “to lie the great life”, meaning to make possible that each individual develops their highest potential. Each day is a gift and we should be determined to make the best of every circumstance. Appreciation is one of the fundamental values and one of the seven main conditions for good health.

A macrobiotic approach to life is a combination of healthy eating habits, exercise, meditation, restful sleep and positive thinking. These are the foundation to live a better life, with energy, heath and the ability to live life in fullness. Here are some benefits of macrobiotic lifestyle.
  • Weight management
  • Prevention and pre-diabetes and diabetes management
  • Stable glycaemic index
  • More energy 
  • Reduction of acid reflux
  • Better digestion
  • Less constipation
  • Helps fertility
  • Reduction of cholesterol levels
  • Reduction of high blood pressure 
  • Management of healthy immune system
  • Positive thinking
  • Stress release
  • Reduction of light and moderate depression
  • Increase of general well-being
  • Greater mental clarity and concentration
In the event of a dispute, the consumer may use an Alternative Dispute Resolution Body:

CICAP – Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo
Rua Damião de Góis, 31, Loja 6, 4050-225, Porto
+351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91

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