About Us
The Macrobiotic School features for being a milestone, in Portugal, in natural evolution and healing education, it has the experience of national and international teachers. We are a project established in 2020, mas the founders and teachers are the current oldest generation worldwide with more know-how. Our goal is to teach people how to create, adapt and sustain health and happiness using the combination of different elements of macrobiotic philosophy and cooking, as the genesis for physical health alongside with emotional and mental balance.
Courses and Workshops
Our courses and workshops are an excellent opportunity to learn, in a healthy way, to change behaviour and life style, whether is a Macrobiotic Cooking lesson or during an intense course. Regarding nutrition, we teach how to adapt energetically the foods to our individual needs, according to age, gender, level of physical activity and condition of health for each individual. We help to recognise the foods that are most beneficial for each season, as well as how to prepare them, so that you can create healthy and delicious meals, mainly using whole grains, vegetables and legumes, preferably sourced locally and sustainably. We have a broad vision of modern macrobiotics and our programmes include themes as Feng Shui, I Ching, Visual Diagnosis, Shiatsu and others.
Where Magic happens!
Discover the basic, deepen your knowledge or obtain professional qualification with our courses and workshops. Transform your life style and well-being, come and discover a new and wonderful world. Macrobiotic School is where magic happens…
The Macrobiotic School features for being a milestone, in Portugal, in natural evolution and healing education, it has the experience of national and international teachers. We are a project established in 2020, mas the founders and teachers are the current oldest generation worldwide with more know-how. Our goal is to teach people how to create, adapt and sustain health and happiness using the combination of different elements of macrobiotic philosophy and cooking, as the genesis for physical health alongside with emotional and mental balance.
Courses and Workshops
Our courses and workshops are an excellent opportunity to learn, in a healthy way, to change behaviour and life style, whether is a Macrobiotic Cooking lesson or during an intense course. Regarding nutrition, we teach how to adapt energetically the foods to our individual needs, according to age, gender, level of physical activity and condition of health for each individual. We help to recognise the foods that are most beneficial for each season, as well as how to prepare them, so that you can create healthy and delicious meals, mainly using whole grains, vegetables and legumes, preferably sourced locally and sustainably. We have a broad vision of modern macrobiotics and our programmes include themes as Feng Shui, I Ching, Visual Diagnosis, Shiatsu and others.
Where Magic happens!
Discover the basic, deepen your knowledge or obtain professional qualification with our courses and workshops. Transform your life style and well-being, come and discover a new and wonderful world. Macrobiotic School is where magic happens…