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Macrobiotic Elementary Course

Macrobiotic Elementary Course

A Course that can change your life!
Escola Macrobiótica - Lisboa


Elementary Macrobiotics Course

Starts May 17th, 2021
The intensive elementary course on Macrobiotics is developed over 4 weeks, with a total of 120 hours. Its basis is the teaching and practice of macrobiotic cuisine, but it also offers a solid training in the fundamentals of oriental philosophy. It integrates the knowledge of complementary disciplines such as Shiatsu, Oriental Diagnosis, Chi Kung, Ki Astrology and Feng Shui.

The theoretical concepts covered include Qi Energy, Yin-Yang and Five Transformations. In terms of practical applications, students acquire tools to improve their lifestyle. Students learn how to make balanced, healthy, delicious meals that are appropriate to their specific condition. They also have the ability to diagnose their health condition and to use therapeutic tools such as home remedies, teas and compresses.

This training aims above all to empower practitioners to take responsibility for their own life and health condition in their hands. This ability is increasingly important in overcoming current and future challenges and how to live overcoming fears and fears. The student will also discover a new lifestyle, and understand how the human being and the environment are dependent on each other.

This first year, grants access to year 2, which is the level of Coach in Macrobiotics. It is taught by world-renowned professors, most of whom have over 40 years of experience in this field. The person responsible for carrying out this course is a training entity certified by DGERT, the body responsible for the vocational training certification system in Portugal.

Teachers and Timetable

Teachers: Simon Brown (technical direction), Marco Fonseca (culinary coordination), João Borges and Maria Gillott (school directors), Paula Oliveira (general coordination), Fernando Fidalgo, Filipa Silva, Denny Waxman.

Opening hours: Weekdays 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:30 to 17:30

Download do pdf com a descrição das aulas do curso e dos professores

Descrição dos Módulos



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