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Barley Soup

This soup is especially beneficial for the liver, helping to dissolve animal fat and protein. It is great for those who want to lose weight and / or lower cholesterol, triglyceride levels or dissolve stones. Barley also has diuretic effects and also strengthens the intestines.

At this time of spring, it is fantastic chice!


1 cup of barley (soak the barley)
1 strip of kombu seaweed
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
1 leek
1 carrot
1 courgette (zucchini)
1 watercress bunch
olive oil
sea ​​salt
umeboshi plum vinegar (optional)
mint leaves


1. Soak the barley in water for at least 6 hours. Soak the day before or in the morning to cook at night.
2. Place the washed and soaked barley in a pressure cooker and add triple the water. Let it cook for about 40 minutes, depending on the pressure cooker. (if in a normal pan, cook about 60 minutes)
3. Add the vegetables cut into small pieces and add the water until the desired soup level is reached.
4. When the vegetables are already tender, add the watercress and a chopped garlic and cook for about 5 minutes.
5. Turn off the heat and season with salt and a tied mint leaves. Let sit a few minutes before serving.

You can vary the vegetables in this soup!
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