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French Onion Soup with Garlic Bread

Ingredients (4 servings):

4 onions finely sliced
1 tbsp Olive oil
Bay leaves
Naturally fermented bread
4 cups of water


1. Sautee the onions with the olive oil, until soft and translucid, add a pinch of salt.
2. Stir the onions so that they have a sweet scent, eliminating the bitter quality.
3. Add a little water and cook for 10 minutes, add 4 more cups of water, bring to a boil and let it simmer for one hour.
4. If you wish to add more heat to the body, instead of cooking on the stove, you can bake it for one hour.
5. Season to taste with shoyu or miso.
6. Serve with garlic bread: finely slice the bread, chop the garlic and place on the bread, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 5 minutes. 
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